The Clustering of Hong Kong

In the book The Clustering of America published 3 decades ago, Michael Weiss described the methodology in the geo-demographic analysis and neighborhood clustering.

In Hong Kong, the population census provides rich dataset for geo-demographic analysis, this is an attempt to analyze and dataset and group different attributes into clusters, in order to provide insights to further cluster the neighborhood.
The following dataset is downloaded from CSDI portal.
2021 Population Census (Statistics and Boundaries of District Council Constituency Areas)

Python script for feature selection is developed on the dcca dataset and following is the result dendrogram.
# Standardize features
scaler = StandardScaler()
df_scaled = scaler.fit_transform(df_features)
df_scaled = pd.DataFrame(df_scaled ,columns=df_features.columns)
# Transpose so that each row is a feature
df_transposed = df_scaled.transpose()
# Perform hierarchical clustering on features
linked = linkage(df_transposed , method='ward', metric='euclidean')
# Create a dendrogram to visualize the feature clustering
plt.figure(figsize=(120, 60))
dendrogram(linked ,
show_leaf_counts=True, leaf_font_size=10)

Following are the result showing the cluster and sub-cluster by analyzing the above dataset.
Cluster | Sub-cluster | DCCA Field Name | English Description | Chinese Description |
1 | 1.1 | dhr_3 | Number of domestic households renting the accommodation they occupy - Monthly rent: HK$6,000-9,999 | 居於租住居所的家庭住戶數目 - 每月租金:港元6,000 - 9,999 |
1 | 1.1 | dh_co | Number of domestic households - Tenure of accommodation: Co-tenant/ Main tenant/ Sub-tenant | 家庭住戶數目 - 居所租主權:合租/二房東/三房客 |
1 | 1.1 | dh_r0 | Number of domestic households without exclusively used rooms | 沒有自用廳房的家庭住戶數目 |
1 | 1.1 | ul_oth | Population aged 5 and over (excluding mute persons) - Usual spoken language: Other languages | 5歲及以上人口(不包括失去語言能力的人士) - 慣用交談語言:其他語言 |
1 | 1.1 | ethn_oth | Population of other ethnicities (including persons who reported more than one ethnicity) | 其他種族的人口(包括報稱有多過一個種族的人士) |
2 | 2.1 | ul_put | Population aged 5 and over (excluding mute persons) - Usual spoken language: Putonghua | 5歲及以上人口(不包括失去語言能力的人士) - 慣用交談語言:普通話 |
2 | 2.1 | pm_out | Population aged 5 and over not having internally migrated - Area of residence 5 years ago: Place of residence outside Hong Kong | 並無作內部遷移的5歲及以上人口 - 5年前居住地區:居於香港以外地方 |
2 | 2.1 | dhc_8 | Number of domestic households - Household composition: Non-relative households (i.e. households comprising unrelated person(s) only) | 家庭住戶數目 - 家庭住戶結構:非親屬關係住戶(只由一羣無親屬關係人士所組成的住戶) |
2 | 2.1 | ms_sep_f | Number of females aged 15 and over - Separated | 15歲及以上女性人口 - 分居 |
2 | 2.2 | oq_pri | Number of occupied quarters - Private permanent housing | 有人居住的屋宇單位數目 - 私人永久性房屋 |
2 | 2.2 | dh_pri | Number of domestic households - Private permanent housing | 家庭住戶數目 - 私人永久性房屋 |
2 | 2.2 | pop_pri | Population - Private permanent housing | 人口 - 私人永久性房屋 |
2 | 2.2 | dh_rf | Number of domestic households - Tenure of accommodation: Rent free | 家庭住戶數目 - 居所租主權:免交租金 |
2 | 2.2 | pm_samearea | Population aged 5 and over not having internally migrated - Area of residence 5 years ago: Moved home within same area of residence | 並無作內部遷移的5歲及以上人口 - 5年前居住地區:曾在同區遷居 |
2 | 2.2 | wp_fw | Working population - Unpaid family workers | 工作人口 - 無酬家庭從業員 |
3 | 3.1 | oq_non | Number of occupied quarters - Non-domestic housing | 有人居住的屋宇單位數目 - 非住宅用房屋 |
3 | 3.1 | dh_non | Number of domestic households - Non-domestic housing | 家庭住戶數目 - 非住宅用房屋 |
3 | 3.1 | pop_non | Population - Non-domestic housing | 人口 - 非住宅用房屋 |
3 | 3.1 | dh_emp | Number of domestic households - Tenure of accommodation: Provider by employer | 家庭住戶數目 - 居所租主權:由僱主提供 |
3 | 3.1 | oq_tem | Number of occupied quarters - Temporary housing | 有人居住的屋宇單位數目 - 臨時房屋 |
3 | 3.1 | dh_tem | Number of domestic households - Temporary housing | 家庭住戶數目 - 臨時房屋 |
3 | 3.1 | pop_tem | Population - Temporary housing | 人口 - 臨時房屋 |
4 | 4.1 | mearn_xfdhfw_7 | Working population (excluding unpaid family workers and foreign domestic helpers) - Monthly income from main employment: HK$60,000 and over | 工作人口(不包括無酬家庭從業員及外籍家庭傭工) - 每月主要職業收入:港元60,000 及以上 |
4 | 4.1 | mearn_xfdh_7 | Working population (excluding unpaid family workers) - Monthly income from main employment: HK$60,000 and over | 工作人口(不包括無酬家庭從業員) - 每月主要職業收入:港元60,000 及以上 |
4 | 4.1 | dhm_7 | Number of domestic households with mortgage or loan - Monthly mortgage payment and loan repayment: HK$20,000 and over | 有按揭供款或借貸還款的家庭住戶數目 - 每月按揭供款及借貸還款:港元20,000 及以上 |
4 | 4.1 | dh_r6 | Number of domestic households - Number of exclusively used rooms (excluding kitchens and toilets/ bathrooms): 6 rooms and over | 家庭住戶數目 - 自用廳房數目(不包括廚房及廁所):6 個及以上 |
4 | 4.2 | plw_hm | Working population - Work at home | 工作人口 - 於家中工作 |
4 | 4.2 | ethn_phi | Population of Filipino ethnicity | 種族為菲律賓人的人口 |
4 | 4.2 | wp_er | Working population - Employers | 工作人口 - 僱主 |
4 | 4.2 | ul_eng | Population aged 5 and over (excluding mute persons) - Usual spoken language: English | 5歲及以上人口(不包括失去語言能力的人士) - 慣用交談語言:英語 |
4 | 4.2 | dhr_4 | Number of domestic households renting the accommodation they occupy - Monthly rent: HK$10,000 and over | 居於租住居所的家庭住戶數目 - 每月租金:港元10,000 及以上 |
4 | 4.2 | born_else | Population born elsewhere | 在其他地方出生的人口 |
4 | 4.3 | ethn_wh | Population of White ethnicity | 種族為白人的人口 |
5 | 5.1 | dhi_e7 | Number of economically-active households (i.e. a domestic household with at least one member (excluding foreign domestic helpers) being economically active) - Monthly domestic household income: HK$60,000 and over | 從事經濟活動的家庭住戶(指家庭住戶內除外籍家庭傭工外至少有一名其他成員從事經濟活動)數目 - 家庭住戶每月收入:港元60,000 及以上 |
5 | 5.1 | dhi_7 | Number of domestic households - Monthly domestic household income: HK$60,000 and over | 家庭住戶數目 - 家庭住戶每月收入:港元60,000 及以上 |
5 | 5.1 | wp_a | Working population - Occupation ( A new occupation classification scheme which follows “International Standard Classification Occupations 2008 (ISCO-08)” more closely was adopted in the 2021 Population Census): Managers | 工作人口 - 職業(2021 年人口普查採用了新的職業分類方法,此職業分類方法更為貼近「國際標準職業分類法2008 年版」):經理 |
5 | 5.1 | wp_b | Working population - Occupation ( A new occupation classification scheme which follows “International Standard Classification Occupations 2008 (ISCO-08)” more closely was adopted in the 2021 Population Census): Professionals | 工作人口 - 職業(2021 年人口普查採用了新的職業分類方法,此職業分類方法更為貼近「國際標準職業分類法2008 年版」):專業人員 |
5 | 5.1 | edu_deg | Population aged 15 and over - Educational attainment (highest level attended): Post-secondary (Degree course) | 15歲及以上人口 - 教育程度(最高就讀程度):專上教育(學位課程) |
5 | 5.1 | wp_p | Working population - Industry (based on the industry classification modelled on the Hong Kong Standard Industrial Classification Version 2.0): Financing and insurance | 工作人口 - 行業(「香港標準行業分類2.0 版」為藍本的行業分類):金融及保險業 |
5 | 5.1 | mearn_xfdhfw_6 | Working population (excluding unpaid family workers and foreign domestic helpers) - Monthly income from main employment: HK$40,000-59,999 | 工作人口(不包括無酬家庭從業員及外籍家庭傭工) - 每月主要職業收入:港元40,000 - 59,999 |
5 | 5.1 | mearn_xfdh_2 | Working population (excluding unpaid family workers) - Monthly income from main employment: HK$6,000-9,999 | 工作人口(不包括無酬家庭從業員) - 每月主要職業收入:港元6,000 - 9,999 |
5 | 5.1 | plw_out | Working population - Work in places outside Hong Kong | 工作人口 - 香港以外地方工作 |
5 | 5.1 | dh_r5 | Number of domestic households - Number of exclusively used rooms (excluding kitchens and toilets/ bathrooms): 5 rooms | 家庭住戶數目 - 自用廳房數目(不包括廚房及廁所):5 個 |
5 | 5.2 | wp_s | Working population - Industry (based on the industry classification modelled on the Hong Kong Standard Industrial Classification Version 2.0): Miscellaneous social and personal services | 工作人口 - 行業(「香港標準行業分類2.0 版」為藍本的行業分類):雜項社會及個人服務 |
5 | 5.2 | mearn_xfdh_1 | Working population (excluding unpaid family workers) - Monthly income from main employment: Less than HK$6,000 | 工作人口(不包括無酬家庭從業員) - 每月主要職業收入:少於港元6,000 |
5 | 5.2 | ethn_ind | Population of Indonesian ethnicity | 種族為印尼人的人口 |
5 | 5.2 | plw_diff_h | Working population - Work in the another district on Hong Kong Island | 工作人口 - 跨區工作(工作地點為香港島) |
5 | 5.3 | pm_hk | Population aged 5 and over having internally migrated (i.e. having migrated within the past 5 years (a) from a District Council district to another District Council district; or (b) within a District Council district in the New Territories, from a new town to another new town, or from a new town to other areas in the district or vice versa) - Area of residence 5 years ago: Hong Kong Island | 曾作內部遷移(指於過去5年間(a)由一區議會分區遷移至另一區議會分區,或(b)在新界同一區議會分區內,由一新市鎮遷移至另一新市鎮,或由一新市鎮遷移至該區其他地方) 的5歲及以上人口 - 5年前居住地區:香港島 |
5 | 5.3 | pls_diff_h | Number of persons studying full-time courses in educational institutions in Hong Kong - Study in the another district on Hong Kong Island | 於香港院校就讀全日制課程的人口 - 跨區就讀(上課地點為香港島) |
6 | 6.1 | ms_div_f | Number of females aged 15 and over - Divorced | 15歲及以上女性人口 - 離婚 |
6 | 6.1 | dhc_3 | Number of domestic households - Household composition: Composed of lone parents and their unmarried children (i.e. comprising a father or mother and his/ her unmarried child(ren) without any other related persons but may or may not include other unrelated persons (e.g. domestic helpers)) | 家庭住戶數目 - 家庭住戶結構:由父或母親及未婚子女所組成(由父/母一方及其未婚子女而並無其他親屬所組成,可包括或不包括其他無親屬關係的同住人士,例如家庭傭工) |
6 | 6.1 | dhi_e3 | Number of economically-active households (i.e. a domestic household with at least one member (excluding foreign domestic helpers) being economically active) - Monthly domestic household income: HK$10,000-19,999 | 從事經濟活動的家庭住戶(指家庭住戶內除外籍家庭傭工外至少有一名其他成員從事經濟活動)數目 - 家庭住戶每月收入:港元10,000 - 19,999 |
6 | 6.1 | dhi_3 | Number of domestic households - Monthly domestic household income: HK$10,000-19,999 | 家庭住戶數目 - 家庭住戶每月收入:港元10,000 - 19,999 |
6 | 6.2 | ms_div_m | Number of males aged 15 and over - Divorced | 15歲及以上男性人口 - 離婚 |
6 | 6.2 | dhi_e2 | Number of economically-active households (i.e. a domestic household with at least one member (excluding foreign domestic helpers) being economically active) - Monthly domestic household income: HK$6,000-9,999 | 從事經濟活動的家庭住戶(指家庭住戶內除外籍家庭傭工外至少有一名其他成員從事經濟活動)數目 - 家庭住戶每月收入:港元6,000 - 9,999 |
6 | 6.2 | dhi_2 | Number of domestic households - Monthly domestic household income: HK$6,000-9,999 | 家庭住戶數目 - 家庭住戶每月收入:港元6,000 - 9,999 |
6 | 6.3 | dh_st | Number of domestic households - Tenure of accommodation: Sole tenant | 家庭住戶數目 - 居所租主權:全租 |
6 | 6.4 | dh_r1 | Number of domestic households - Number of exclusively used rooms (excluding kitchens and toilets/ bathrooms): 1 room | 家庭住戶數目 - 自用廳房數目(不包括廚房及廁所):1 個 |
6 | 6.5 | ul_othchi | Population aged 5 and over (excluding mute persons) - Usual spoken language: Other Chinese dialects | 5歲及以上人口(不包括失去語言能力的人士) - 慣用交談語言:其他中國方言 |
7 | 7.1 | dhz_1 | Number of domestic households - Household size: 1 person | 家庭住戶數目 - 住戶人數:1人 |
7 | 7.1 | dhc_7 | Number of domestic households - Household composition: One-person households (i.e. households with only one person) | 家庭住戶數目 - 家庭住戶結構:單人住戶(只有一個人的住戶) |
7 | 7.1 | dh_r2 | Number of domestic households - Number of exclusively used rooms (excluding kitchens and toilets/ bathrooms): 2 rooms | 家庭住戶數目 - 自用廳房數目(不包括廚房及廁所):2 個 |
7 | 7.1 | dhi_e1 | Number of economically-active households (i.e. a domestic household with at least one member (excluding foreign domestic helpers) being economically active) - Monthly domestic household income: Less than HK$6,000 | 從事經濟活動的家庭住戶(指家庭住戶內除外籍家庭傭工外至少有一名其他成員從事經濟活動)數目 - 家庭住戶每月收入:少於港元6,000 |
7 | 7.1 | dhi_1 | Number of domestic households - Monthly domestic household income: Less than HK$6,000 | 家庭住戶數目 - 家庭住戶每月收入:少於港元6,000 |
7 | 7.2 | plw_same | Working population - Work in the same district (including (a) those who live on Hong Kong Island or in Kowloon and work in the same District Council district; (b) those who live in a new town and work in the same new town; and (c) those who live in other areas in the New Territories and work in areas other than new town areas of the same District Council district, but excluding persons who work at home) | 工作人口 - 同區工作(包括(a)在香港島或九龍居住並在同一區議會分區內工作的人士,(b)在新市鎮居住並在同一新市鎮工作的人士,及(c)在新界其他地方居住並在同一區議會分區非新市鎮地區內工作的人士,但不包括於家中工作的人士) |
7 | 7.3 | ms_sep_m | Number of males aged 15 and over - Separated | 15歲及以上男性人口 - 分居 |
8 | 8.1 | pm_kln | Population aged 5 and over having internally migrated (i.e. having migrated within the past 5 years (a) from a District Council district to another District Council district; or (b) within a District Council district in the New Territories, from a new town to another new town, or from a new town to other areas in the district or vice versa) - Area of residence 5 years ago: Kowloon | 曾作內部遷移(指於過去5年間(a)由一區議會分區遷移至另一區議會分區,或(b)在新界同一區議會分區內,由一新市鎮遷移至另一新市鎮,或由一新市鎮遷移至該區其他地方) 的5歲及以上人口 - 5年前居住地區:九龍 |
8 | 8.1 | pls_diff_k | Number of persons studying full-time courses in educational institutions in Hong Kong - Study in the another district in Kowloon | 於香港院校就讀全日制課程的人口 - 跨區就讀(上課地點為九龍) |
9 | 9.1 | nwp_re | Non-working population (The classification of economic activity status for economically inactive population adopted in the 2021 Population Census (i.e. “Home-makers”, “Students”, “Retired persons”, “Unpaid carers” and “Others”) slightly differs from that adopted in the 2011 Population Census and 2016 Population By-census (i.e. “Home-makers”, “Students”, “Retired persons” and “Others”). Therefore, caution should be taken when comparing figures for 2021 with those for 2011 and/or 2016) - Retired | 非工作人口(2021年人口普查所採用非從事經濟活動人口的經濟活動身分分類(即「料理家務者」、「學生」、「退休人士」、「無酬照顧者」及「其他」),跟2011年人口普查及2016年中期人口統計所採用的分類(即「料理家務者」、「學生」、「退休人士」及「其他」)稍有分別,因此2021年統計數字與2011年及/或2016年統計數字作比較時須加以留意) - 退休人士 |
9 | 9.1 | age_5 | Population aged 65 and over | 65歲及以上人口 |
9 | 9.1 | ms_win_f | Number of females aged 15 and over - Widowed | 15歲及以上女性人口 - 喪偶 |
9 | 9.1 | ms_win_m | Number of males aged 15 and over - Widowed | 15歲及以上男性人口 - 喪偶 |
9 | 9.2 | edu_pri | Population aged 15 and over - Educational attainment (highest level attended): Primary | 15歲及以上人口 - 教育程度(最高就讀程度):小學 |
9 | 9.2 | dhc_6 | Number of domestic households - Household composition: Composed of other relationship combinations (i.e. comprising a group of related persons but not being classified in the other categories and may or may not include other unrelated persons (e.g. domestic helpers)) | 家庭住戶數目 - 家庭住戶結構:由其他親屬關係組合所組成(由一羣有親屬關係人士所組成但未能歸入其他類別,可包括或不包括其他無親屬關係的同住人士,例如家庭傭工) |
9 | 9.2 | edu_prepri | Population aged 15 and over - Educational attainment (highest level attended): No schooling/ Pre-primary | 15歲及以上人口 - 教育程度(最高就讀程度):未受教育/學前教育 |
10 | 10.1 | mearn_xfdhfw_3 | Working population (excluding unpaid family workers and foreign domestic helpers) - Monthly income from main employment: HK$10,000-19,999 | 工作人口(不包括無酬家庭從業員及外籍家庭傭工) - 每月主要職業收入:港元10,000 - 19,999 |
10 | 10.1 | mearn_xfdh_3 | Working population (excluding unpaid family workers) - Monthly income from main employment: HK$10,000-19,999 | 工作人口(不包括無酬家庭從業員) - 每月主要職業收入:港元10,000 - 19,999 |
10 | 10.1 | wp_e | Working population - Occupation ( A new occupation classification scheme which follows “International Standard Classification Occupations 2008 (ISCO-08)” more closely was adopted in the 2021 Population Census): Service and sales workers | 工作人口 - 職業(2021 年人口普查採用了新的職業分類方法,此職業分類方法更為貼近「國際標準職業分類法2008 年版」):服務工作及銷售人員 |
10 | 10.1 | plw_nofix | Working population - No fixed place of work/ Marine | 工作人口 - 無固定地點/水上 |
10 | 10.1 | edu_lsed | Population aged 15 and over - Educational attainment (highest level attended): Lower secondary | 15歲及以上人口 - 教育程度(最高就讀程度):初中 |
10 | 10.2 | mearn_xfdhfw_1 | Working population (excluding unpaid family workers and foreign domestic helpers) - Monthly income from main employment: Less than HK$6,000 | 工作人口(不包括無酬家庭從業員及外籍家庭傭工) - 每月主要職業收入:少於港元6,000 |
10 | 10.3 | dhi_e4 | Number of economically-active households (i.e. a domestic household with at least one member (excluding foreign domestic helpers) being economically active) - Monthly domestic household income: HK$20,000-29,999 | 從事經濟活動的家庭住戶(指家庭住戶內除外籍家庭傭工外至少有一名其他成員從事經濟活動)數目 - 家庭住戶每月收入:港元20,000 - 29,999 |
10 | 10.3 | dhi_4 | Number of domestic households - Monthly domestic household income: HK$20,000-29,999 | 家庭住戶數目 - 家庭住戶每月收入:港元20,000 - 29,999 |
10 | 10.4 | wp_n | Working population - Industry (based on the industry classification modelled on the Hong Kong Standard Industrial Classification Version 2.0): Accommodation and food services | 工作人口 - 行業(「香港標準行業分類2.0 版」為藍本的行業分類):住宿及膳食服務業 |
10 | 10.4 | born_chi | Population born in the mainland of China/ Macao/ Taiwan | 在中國內地/澳門/台灣出生的人口 |
10 | 10.5 | mearn_xfdhfw_2 | Working population (excluding unpaid family workers and foreign domestic helpers) - Monthly income from main employment: HK$6,000-9,999 | 工作人口(不包括無酬家庭從業員及外籍家庭傭工) - 每月主要職業收入:港元6,000 - 9,999 |
10 | 10.5 | mearn_xfdh_2 | Working population (excluding unpaid family workers) - Monthly income from main employment: HK$6,000-9,999 | 工作人口(不包括無酬家庭從業員) - 每月主要職業收入:港元6,000 - 9,999 |
10 | 10.6 | wp_k | Working population - Industry (based on the industry classification modelled on the Hong Kong Standard Industrial Classification Version 2.0): Construction | 工作人口 - 行業(「香港標準行業分類2.0 版」為藍本的行業分類):建造業 |
10 | 10.6 | wp_f | Working population - Occupation ( A new occupation classification scheme which follows “International Standard Classification Occupations 2008 (ISCO-08)” more closely was adopted in the 2021 Population Census): Craft and related workers | 工作人口 - 職業(2021 年人口普查採用了新的職業分類方法,此職業分類方法更為貼近「國際標準職業分類法2008 年版」):工藝及有關人員 |
10 | 10.7 | nwp_oth | Non-working population (The classification of economic activity status for economically inactive population adopted in the 2021 Population Census (i.e. “Home-makers”, “Students”, “Retired persons”, “Unpaid carers” and “Others”) slightly differs from that adopted in the 2011 Population Census and 2016 Population By-census (i.e. “Home-makers”, “Students”, “Retired persons” and “Others”). Therefore, caution should be taken when comparing figures for 2021 with those for 2011 and/or 2016) - Others | 非工作人口(2021年人口普查所採用非從事經濟活動人口的經濟活動身分分類(即「料理家務者」、「學生」、「退休人士」、「無酬照顧者」及「其他」),跟2011年人口普查及2016年中期人口統計所採用的分類(即「料理家務者」、「學生」、「退休人士」及「其他」)稍有分別,因此2021年統計數字與2011年及/或2016年統計數字作比較時須加以留意) - 其他 |
10 | 10.7 | ms_nm_m | Number of males aged 15 and over - Never married | 15歲及以上男性人口 - 從未結婚 |
10 | 10.7 | nwp_hm | Non-working population (The classification of economic activity status for economically inactive population adopted in the 2021 Population Census (i.e. “Home-makers”, “Students”, “Retired persons”, “Unpaid carers” and “Others”) slightly differs from that adopted in the 2011 Population Census and 2016 Population By-census (i.e. “Home-makers”, “Students”, “Retired persons” and “Others”). Therefore, caution should be taken when comparing figures for 2021 with those for 2011 and/or 2016) - Home-makers | 非工作人口(2021年人口普查所採用非從事經濟活動人口的經濟活動身分分類(即「料理家務者」、「學生」、「退休人士」、「無酬照顧者」及「其他」),跟2011年人口普查及2016年中期人口統計所採用的分類(即「料理家務者」、「學生」、「退休人士」及「其他」)稍有分別,因此2021年統計數字與2011年及/或2016年統計數字作比較時須加以留意)- 料理家務者 |
10 | 10.7 | age_2 | Population aged 15-24 | 15至24歲人口 |
10 | 10.7 | nwp_care | Non-working population (The classification of economic activity status for economically inactive population adopted in the 2021 Population Census (i.e. “Home-makers”, “Students”, “Retired persons”, “Unpaid carers” and “Others”) slightly differs from that adopted in the 2011 Population Census and 2016 Population By-census (i.e. “Home-makers”, “Students”, “Retired persons” and “Others”). Therefore, caution should be taken when comparing figures for 2021 with those for 2011 and/or 2016) - Unpaid carers (persons who are engaged in unpaid care to family members or other persons (including persons with chronic diseases/disability and old/young persons)) | 非工作人口(2021年人口普查所採用非從事經濟活動人口的經濟活動身分分類(即「料理家務者」、「學生」、「退休人士」、「無酬照顧者」及「其他」),跟2011年人口普查及2016年中期人口統計所採用的分類(即「料理家務者」、「學生」、「退休人士」及「其他」)稍有分別,因此2021年統計數字與2011年及/或2016年統計數字作比較時須加以留意) - 無酬照顧者(須無酬照顧親人或其他人士(包括長期病患、殘疾或年長/年幼的人士)的人) |
11 | 11.1 | wp_m | Working population - Industry (based on the industry classification modelled on the Hong Kong Standard Industrial Classification Version 2.0): Transportation, storage, postal and courier services | 工作人口 - 行業(「香港標準行業分類2.0 版」為藍本的行業分類):運輸、倉庫、郵政及速遞服務業 |
11 | 11.2 | wp_g | Working population - Occupation ( A new occupation classification scheme which follows “International Standard Classification Occupations 2008 (ISCO-08)” more closely was adopted in the 2021 Population Census): Plant and machine operators and assemblers | 工作人口 - 職業(2021 年人口普查採用了新的職業分類方法,此職業分類方法更為貼近「國際標準職業分類法2008 年版」):機台及機器操作員及裝配員 |
11 | 11.3 | wp_j | Working population - Industry (based on the industry classification modelled on the Hong Kong Standard Industrial Classification Version 2.0): Manufacturing | 工作人口 - 行業(「香港標準行業分類2.0 版」為藍本的行業分類):製造業 |
11 | 11.4 | wp_t | Working population - Industry (based on the industry classification modelled on the Hong Kong Standard Industrial Classification Version 2.0): Other industries (including "Agriculture; forestry and fishing"; "Mining and quarrying"; "Electricity and gas supply"; "Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities" and industrial activities unidentifiable or inadequately described) | 工作人口 - 行業(「香港標準行業分類2.0 版」為藍本的行業分類):其他行業(包括「農業、林業及漁業」、「採礦及採石業」、「電力及燃氣供應」、「自來水供應;污水處理、廢棄物管理及污染防治服務業」等行業,及報稱的行業不能辨別或描述不足) |
12 | 12.1 | dhz_4 | Number of domestic households - Household size: 4 persons | 家庭住戶數目 - 住戶人數:4人 |
12 | 12.1 | dhc_2 | Number of domestic households - Household composition: Composed of couple and unmarried children (i.e. comprising a couple and their unmarried child(ren) without any other related persons but may or may not include other unrelated persons (e.g. domestic helpers)) | 家庭住戶數目 - 家庭住戶結構:由夫婦及未婚子女所組成(由一對夫婦及其未婚子女而並無其他親屬所組成,可包括或不包括其他無親屬關係的同住人士,例如家庭傭工) |
12 | 12.1 | born_hk | Population born in Hong Kong | 在香港出生的人口 |
12 | 12.1 | edu_sub | Population aged 15 and over - Educational attainment (highest level attended): Post-secondary (Sub-degree course) | 15歲及以上人口 - 教育程度(最高就讀程度):專上教育(副學位課程) |
12 | 12.2 | wp_d | Working population - Occupation ( A new occupation classification scheme which follows “International Standard Classification Occupations 2008 (ISCO-08)” more closely was adopted in the 2021 Population Census): Clerical support workers | 工作人口 - 職業(2021 年人口普查採用了新的職業分類方法,此職業分類方法更為貼近「國際標準職業分類法2008 年版」):文書支援人員 |
12 | 12.2 | pm_same | Population aged 5 and over not having internally migrated - Area of residence 5 years ago: Remained in same address (including persons who currently live in the same address as 5 years ago but had moved elsewhere during the 5 years and then moved back) | 並無作內部遷移 的5歲及以上人口 - 5年前居住地區:仍居舊址(包括現住於 5 年前住址,但在 5 年期間曾遷往其他地方,並稍後遷回的人士) |
13 | 13.1 | whr_4 | Working population - Weekly usual hours of work of all employment: 45-54 hours | 工作人口 - 所有工作的每周通常工作時數:45-54小時 |
13 | 13.1 | age_4 | Population aged 45-64 | 45至64歲人口 |
13 | 13.1 | pop_m | Total population - Male | 總人口 - 男性 |
13 | 13.1 | lf_m | Labour force - Male | 勞動人口 - 男性 |
13 | 13.1 | edu_usec | Population aged 15 and over - Educational attainment (highest level attended): Upper secondary | 15歲及以上人口 - 教育程度(最高就讀程度):高中 |
13 | 13.2 | ul_can | Population aged 5 and over (excluding mute persons) - Usual spoken language: Cantonese | 5歲及以上人口(不包括失去語言能力的人士) - 慣用交談語言:廣州話 |
13 | 13.2 | ethn_chi | Population of Chinese ethnicity | 種族為華人的人口 |
13 | 13.2 | t_nwp | Non-working population | 非工作人口 |
13 | 13.2 | dhz_3 | Number of domestic households - Household size: 3 persons | 家庭住戶數目 - 住戶人數:3人 |
14 | 14.1 | dhi_e5 | Number of economically-active households (i.e. a domestic household with at least one member (excluding foreign domestic helpers) being economically active) - Monthly domestic household income: HK$30,000-39,999 | 從事經濟活動的家庭住戶(指家庭住戶內除外籍家庭傭工外至少有一名其他成員從事經濟活動)數目 - 家庭住戶每月收入:港元30,000 - 39,999 |
14 | 14.1 | dhi_5 | Number of domestic households - Monthly domestic household income: HK$30,000-39,999 | 家庭住戶數目 - 家庭住戶每月收入:港元30,000 - 39,999 |
14 | 14.1 | dh_r3 | Number of domestic households - Number of exclusively used rooms (excluding kitchens and toilets/ bathrooms): 3 rooms | 家庭住戶數目 - 自用廳房數目(不包括廚房及廁所):3 個 |
14 | 14.2 | mearn_xfdhfw_4 | Working population (excluding unpaid family workers and foreign domestic helpers) - Monthly income from main employment: HK$20,000-29,999 | 工作人口(不包括無酬家庭從業員及外籍家庭傭工) - 每月主要職業收入:港元20,000 - 29,999 |
14 | 14.2 | mearn_xfdh_4 | Working population (excluding unpaid family workers) - Monthly income from main employment: HK$20,000-29,999 | 工作人口(不包括無酬家庭從業員) - 每月主要職業收入:港元20,000 - 29,999 |
15 | 15.1 | plw_diff_k | Working population - Work in the another district in Kowloon | 工作人口 - 跨區工作(工作地點為九龍) |
16 | 16.1 | wp_q | Working population - Industry (based on the industry classification modelled on the Hong Kong Standard Industrial Classification Version 2.0): Real estate, professional and business services | 工作人口 - 行業(「香港標準行業分類2.0 版」為藍本的行業分類):地產、專業及商用服務業 |
16 | 16.1 | ms_nm_f | Number of females aged 15 and over - Never married | 15歲及以上女性人口 - 從未結婚 |
16 | 16.1 | whr_5 | Working population - Weekly usual hours of work of all employment: 55-64 hours | 工作人口 - 所有工作的每周通常工作時數:55-64小時 |
17 | 17.1 | t_pop | Total population | 總人口 |
17 | 17.1 | pop_f | Total population - Female | 總人口 - 女性 |
17 | 17.1 | wp_ee | Working population - Employees (including outworkers) | 工作人口 - 僱員(包括外發工) |
17 | 17.1 | t_wp | Working population | 工作人口 |
17 | 17.1 | t_lf | Labour force | 勞動人口 |
17 | 17.2 | ms_ma_m | Number of males aged 15 and over - Married | 15歲及以上男性人口 - 已婚 |
17 | 17.2 | ms_m_f | Number of females aged 15 and over - Married | 15歲及以上女性人口 - 已婚 |
17 | 17.3 | age_3 | Population aged 25-44 | 25至44歲人口 |
18 | 18.1 | wp_h | Working population - Occupation ( A new occupation classification scheme which follows “International Standard Classification Occupations 2008 (ISCO-08)” more closely was adopted in the 2021 Population Census): Elementary occupations | 工作人口 - 職業(2021 年人口普查採用了新的職業分類方法,此職業分類方法更為貼近「國際標準職業分類法2008 年版」):非技術工人 |
18 | 18.2 | whr_6 | Working population - Weekly usual hours of work of all employment: 65 hours and over | 工作人口 - 所有工作的每周通常工作時數:65 小時及以上 |
19 | 19.1 | dhz_2 | Number of domestic households - Household size: 2 persons | 家庭住戶數目 - 住戶人數:2人 |
19 | 19.1 | dh | Number of domestic households | 家庭住戶數目 |
19 | 19.1 | whr_1 | Working population - Weekly usual hours of work of all employment: Less than 18 hours | 工作人口 - 所有工作的每周通常工作時數:少於 18小時 |
19 | 19.2 | wp_l | Working population - Industry (based on the industry classification modelled on the Hong Kong Standard Industrial Classification Version 2.0): Import/export, wholesale and retail trades | 工作人口 - 行業(「香港標準行業分類2.0 版」為藍本的行業分類):進出口、批發及零售業 |
19 | 19.2 | whr_2 | Working population - Weekly usual hours of work of all employment: 18-34 hours | 工作人口 - 所有工作的每周通常工作時數:18-34小時 |
19 | 19.2 | wp_se | Working population - Self-employed | 工作人口 - 自營作業者 |
20 | 20.1 | nwp_st | Non-working population (The classification of economic activity status for economically inactive population adopted in the 2021 Population Census (i.e. “Home-makers”, “Students”, “Retired persons”, “Unpaid carers” and “Others”) slightly differs from that adopted in the 2011 Population Census and 2016 Population By-census (i.e. “Home-makers”, “Students”, “Retired persons” and “Others”). Therefore, caution should be taken when comparing figures for 2021 with those for 2011 and/or 2016) - Students | 非工作人口(2021年人口普查所採用非從事經濟活動人口的經濟活動身分分類(即「料理家務者」、「學生」、「退休人士」、「無酬照顧者」及「其他」),跟2011年人口普查及2016年中期人口統計所採用的分類(即「料理家務者」、「學生」、「退休人士」及「其他」)稍有分別,因此2021年統計數字與2011年及/或2016年統計數字作比較時須加以留意)- 學生 |
20 | 20.1 | age_1 | Population aged under 15 | 15歲以下人口 |
20 | 20.1 | pls_same | Number of persons studying full-time courses in educational institutions in Hong Kong - Study in the same district (including (a) those who live on Hong Kong Island or in Kowloon and study in the same District Council district; (b) those who live in a new town and study in the same new town; and (c) those who live in other areas in the New Territories and study in areas other than new town areas of the same District Council district) | 於香港院校就讀全日制課程的人口 - 同區就讀(包括(a)在香港島或九龍居住並在同一區議會分區內上課的人士,(b)在新市鎮居住並在同一新市鎮上課的人士,及(c)在新界其他地方居住並在同一區議會分區非新市鎮地區內上課的人士) |
21 | 21.1 | dhz_6 | Number of domestic households - Household size: 6 persons and over | 家庭住戶數目 - 住戶人數:6 人及以上 |
21 | 21.1 | dhz_5 | Number of domestic households - Household size: 5 persons | 家庭住戶數目 - 住戶人數:5人 |
21 | 21.1 | dhc_5 | Number of domestic households - Household composition: Composed of couple, at least one of their parents and their unmarried children (i.e. comprising a couple, at least one of their parents (including the parent(s) of the wife and/ or husband) and their unmarried children without any other related persons but may or may not include other unrelated persons (e.g. domestic helpers)) | 家庭住戶數目 - 家庭住戶結構:由夫婦、其中至少一個父或母親及其未婚子女所組成(由一對夫婦、至少一個父或母親(包括夫婦雙方的父母親)及其未婚子女而並無其他親屬所組成,可包括或不包括其他無親屬關係的同住人士,例如家庭傭工) |
22 | 22.1 | dhi_e6 | Number of economically-active households (i.e. a domestic household with at least one member (excluding foreign domestic helpers) being economically active) - Monthly domestic household income: HK$40,000-59,999 | 從事經濟活動的家庭住戶(指家庭住戶內除外籍家庭傭工外至少有一名其他成員從事經濟活動)數目 - 家庭住戶每月收入:港元40,000 - 59,999 |
22 | 22.1 | dhi_6 | Number of domestic households - Monthly domestic household income: HK$40,000-59,999 | 家庭住戶數目 - 家庭住戶每月收入:港元40,000 - 59,999 |
22 | 22.1 | wp_r | Working population - Industry (based on the industry classification modelled on the Hong Kong Standard Industrial Classification Version 2.0): Public administration, education, human health and social work activities | 工作人口 - 行業(「香港標準行業分類2.0 版」為藍本的行業分類):公共行政、教育、人類醫療保健及社工活動 |
22 | 22.2 | mearn_xfdhfw_5 | Working population (excluding unpaid family workers and foreign domestic helpers) - Monthly income from main employment: HK$30,000-39,999 | 工作人口(不包括無酬家庭從業員及外籍家庭傭工) - 每月主要職業收入:港元30,000 - 39,999 |
22 | 22.2 | mearn_xfdh_5 | Working population (excluding unpaid family workers) - Monthly income from main employment: HK$30,000-39,999 | 工作人口(不包括無酬家庭從業員) - 每月主要職業收入:港元30,000 - 39,999 |
22 | 22.3 | dh_r4 | Number of domestic households - Number of exclusively used rooms (excluding kitchens and toilets/ bathrooms): 4 rooms | 家庭住戶數目 - 自用廳房數目(不包括廚房及廁所):4 個 |
23 | 23.1 | whr_3 | Working population - Weekly usual hours of work of all employment: 35-44 hours | 工作人口 - 所有工作的每周通常工作時數:35-44小時 |
23 | 23.1 | lf_f | Labour force - Female | 勞動人口 - 女性 |
23 | 23.1 | wp_c | Working population - Occupation ( A new occupation classification scheme which follows “International Standard Classification Occupations 2008 (ISCO-08)” more closely was adopted in the 2021 Population Census): Associate professionals | 工作人口 - 職業(2021 年人口普查採用了新的職業分類方法,此職業分類方法更為貼近「國際標準職業分類法2008 年版」):輔助專業人員 |
23 | 23.1 | edu_dip | Population aged 15 and over - Educational attainment (highest level attended): Post-secondary (Diploma/ Certificate) | 15歲及以上人口 - 教育程度(最高就讀程度):專上教育(文憑/證書) |
23 | 23.2 | dhc_1 | Number of domestic households - Household composition: Composed of couple (i.e. comprising a married couple without any other related persons but may or may not include other unrelated persons (e.g. domestic helpers)) | 家庭住戶數目 - 家庭住戶結構:由夫婦所組成(由一對已婚夫婦而並無其他親屬所組成,可包括或不包括其他無親屬關係的同住人士,例如家庭傭工) |
24 | 24.1 | wp_o | Working population - Industry (based on the industry classification modelled on the Hong Kong Standard Industrial Classification Version 2.0): Information and communications | 工作人口 - 行業(「香港標準行業分類2.0 版」為藍本的行業分類):資訊及通訊業 |
25 | 25.1 | dhc_4 | Number of domestic households - Household composition: Composed of couple and at least one of their parents (i.e. comprising a couple and at least one of their parents (including the parent(s) of the wife and/ or husband) without any other related persons but may or may not include other unrelated persons (e.g. domestic helpers)) | 家庭住戶數目 - 家庭住戶結構:由夫婦及其中至少一個父或母親所組成(由一對夫婦及其至少一個父或母親(包括夫婦雙方的父母親)而並無其他親屬所組成,可包括或不包括其他無親屬關係的同住人士,例如家庭傭工) |
26 | 26.1 | dh_ocwm | Number of domestic households - Tenure of accommodation: Owner-occupier, without mortgage and loan | 家庭住戶數目 - 居所租主權:自置,沒有按揭供款及借貸還款 |
27 | 27.1 | oq_pub | Number of occupied quarters - Public rental housing | 有人居住的屋宇單位數目 - 公營租住房屋 |
27 | 27.1 | dh_pub | Number of domestic households - Public rental housing | 家庭住戶數目 - 公營租住房屋 |
27 | 27.1 | pop_pub | Population - Public rental housing | 人口 - 公營租住房屋 |
27 | 27.2 | dhr_2 | Number of domestic households renting the accommodation they occupy - Monthly rent: HK$2,000-5,999 | 居於租住居所的家庭住戶數目 - 每月租金:港元2,000 - 5,999 |
27 | 27.3 | dhr_1 | Number of domestic households renting the accommodation they occupy - Monthly rent: Less than HK$2,000 (including zero rent households, which include households living in accommodation of friends or relatives without paying any rent with or without permission, main tenant households with total rental receipts from sub-tenant(s) greater than or equal to rent paid, and those households whose quarters were provided free by employers) | 居於租住居所的家庭住戶數目 - 每月租金:少於港元 2,000(包括租金金額是零的住戶,這類住戶包括居住在親友家中無論是否得到許可而沒有繳付租金的住戶、向三房客收取的租金總值超過或相等於大租的二房東住戶及由僱主免費提供住所的住戶) |
28 | 28.1 | plw_diff_n | Working population - Work in the another district in new towns | 工作人口 - 跨區工作(工作地點為新市鎮) |
28 | 28.1 | pls_diff_n | Number of persons studying full-time courses in educational institutions in Hong Kong - Study in the another district in new towns | 於香港院校就讀全日制課程的人口 - 跨區就讀(上課地點為新市鎮) |
28 | 28.1 | plw_diff_o | Working population - Work in the another district in other areas in the New Territories | 工作人口 - 跨區工作(工作地點為新界其他地區) |
28 | 28.1 | s_diff_oth | Number of persons studying full-time courses in educational institutions in Hong Kong - Study in the another district in other areas in the New Territories | 於香港院校就讀全日制課程的人口 - 跨區就讀(上課地點為新界其他地區) |
28 | 28.2 | pm_oth | Population aged 5 and over having internally migrated (i.e. having migrated within the past 5 years (a) from a District Council district to another District Council district; or (b) within a District Council district in the New Territories, from a new town to another new town, or from a new town to other areas in the district or vice versa) - Area of residence 5 years ago: Other areas in the New Territories/ Marine | 曾作內部遷移(指於過去5年間(a)由一區議會分區遷移至另一區議會分區,或(b)在新界同一區議會分區內,由一新市鎮遷移至另一新市鎮,或由一新市鎮遷移至該區其他地方) 的5歲及以上人口 - 5年前居住地區:新界其他地區/水上 |
28 | 28.2 | pm_nt | Population aged 5 and over having internally migrated (i.e. having migrated within the past 5 years (a) from a District Council district to another District Council district; or (b) within a District Council district in the New Territories, from a new town to another new town, or from a new town to other areas in the district or vice versa) - Area of residence 5 years ago: New towns | 曾作內部遷移(指於過去5年間(a)由一區議會分區遷移至另一區議會分區,或(b)在新界同一區議會分區內,由一新市鎮遷移至另一新市鎮,或由一新市鎮遷移至該區其他地方) 的5歲及以上人口 - 5年前居住地區:新市鎮 |
28 | 28.3 | wp_i | Working population - Occupation ( A new occupation classification scheme which follows “International Standard Classification Occupations 2008 (ISCO-08)” more closely was adopted in the 2021 Population Census): Skilled agricultural and fishery workers; and occupations not classifiable | 工作人口 - 職業(2021 年人口普查採用了新的職業分類方法,此職業分類方法更為貼近「國際標準職業分類法2008 年版」):漁農業熟練工人及不能分類的職業 |
29 | 29.1 | dhm_5 | Number of domestic households with mortgage or loan - Monthly mortgage payment and loan repayment: HK$8,000-9,999 | 有按揭供款或借貸還款的家庭住戶數目 - 每月按揭供款及借貸還款:港元8,000 - 9,999 |
29 | 29.1 | dhm_4 | Number of domestic households with mortgage or loan - Monthly mortgage payment and loan repayment: HK$6,000-7,999 | 有按揭供款或借貸還款的家庭住戶數目 - 每月按揭供款及借貸還款:港元6,000 - 7,999 |
29 | 29.1 | dhm_3 | Number of domestic households with mortgage or loan - Monthly mortgage payment and loan repayment: HK$4,000-5,999 | 有按揭供款或借貸還款的家庭住戶數目 - 每月按揭供款及借貸還款:港元4,000 - 5,999 |
29 | 29.2 | dhm_6 | Number of domestic households with mortgage or loan - Monthly mortgage payment and loan repayment: HK$10,000-19,999 | 有按揭供款或借貸還款的家庭住戶數目 - 每月按揭供款及借貸還款:港元10,000 - 19,999 |
29 | 29.2 | dh_ocm | Number of domestic households - Tenure of accommodation: Owner-occupier, with mortgage or loan | 家庭住戶數目 - 居所租主權:自置,有按揭供款或借貸還款 |
29 | 29.2 | dhm_1 | Number of domestic households with mortgage or loan - Monthly mortgage payment and loan repayment: By non-household members only | 有按揭供款或借貸還款的家庭住戶數目 - 每月按揭供款及借貸還款:由非住戶成員支付 |
30 | 30.1 | oq_s | Number of occupied quarters - Subsidised home ownership housing | 有人居住的屋宇單位數目 - 資助自置居所房屋 |
30 | 30.1 | dh_s | Number of domestic households - Subsidised home ownership housing | 家庭住戶數目 - 資助自置居所房屋 |
30 | 30.1 | pop_s | Population - Subsidised home ownership housing | 人口 - 資助自置居所房屋 |
30 | 30.2 | dhm_2 | Number of domestic households with mortgage or loan - Monthly mortgage payment and loan repayment: HK$1-3,999 | 有按揭供款或借貸還款的家庭住戶數目 - 每月按揭供款及借貸還款:港元1 - 3,999 |
31 | 31.1 | writeeng_ablepctn | Proportion of population aged 5 and over able to write English | 能書寫英文的5歲及以上人口比例 |
31 | 31.1 | readeng_ablepctn | Proportion of population aged 5 and over able to read English | 能閱讀英文的5歲及以上人口比例 |
31 | 31.1 | lfpr_f | Labour force participation rate (i.e. the proportion of labour force in the total population aged 15 and over) - Female | 勞動人口參與率(勞動人口佔所有 15 歲及以上人口的百分比) - 女性 |
31 | 31.2 | lfpr_t | Labour force participation rate (i.e. the proportion of labour force in the total population aged 15 and over) | 勞動人口參與率(勞動人口佔所有 15 歲及以上人口的百分比) |
31 | 31.2 | lfpr_m | Labour force participation rate (i.e. the proportion of labour force in the total population aged 15 and over) - Male | 勞動人口參與率(勞動人口佔所有 15 歲及以上人口的百分比) - 男性 |
31 | 31.3 | adhz | Average domestic household size | 家庭住戶平均人數 |
31 | 31.4 | dhm_lr | Median monthly domestic household mortgage payment and loan repayment to income ratio | 家庭住戶每月按掲供款及借貸還款與收入比率中位數 |
31 | 31.5 | t_mmearn | Median monthly income from main employment of working population (excluding unpaid family workers) (HK$) | 工作人口(不包括無酬家庭從業員)的每月主要職業收入中位數(港元) |
31 | 31.5 | mmearn_f | Median monthly income from main employment of working population (excluding unpaid family workers) (HK$) - Female | 工作人口(不包括無酬家庭從業員)的每月主要職業收入中位數(港元)- 女性 |
31 | 31.6 | dmr_ir | Median monthly domestic household rent to income ratio | 家庭住戶每月租金與收入比率中位數 |
32 | 32.1 | writechi_ablepctn | Proportion of population aged 5 and over able to write Chinese | 能書寫中文的5歲及以上人口比例 |
32 | 32.1 | readchi_ablepctn | Proportion of population aged 5 and over able to read Chinese | 能閱讀中文的5歲及以上人口比例 |
32 | 32.1 | sr | Sex ratio (i.e. number of males per 1 000 females) | 性別比率(男性數目與每千名女性相對的比率) |
32 | 32.2 | t_ma | Median age | 年齡中位數 |
32 | 32.2 | ma_f | Median age - Female | 年齡中位數 - 女性 |
32 | 32.2 | ma_m | Median age - Male | 年齡中位數 - 男性 |
33 | 33.1 | mmearn_xfdh_m | Median monthly income from main employment of working population (excluding unpaid family workers and foreign domestic helpers) (HK$) - Male | 工作人口(不包括無酬家庭從業員及外籍家庭傭工)的每月主要職業收入中位數(港元)- 男性 |
33 | 33.1 | mmearn_m | Median monthly income from main employment of working population (excluding unpaid family workers) (HK$) - Male | 工作人口(不包括無酬家庭從業員)的每月主要職業收入中位數(港元)- 男性 |
33 | 33.1 | t_mmearn_xfdh | Median monthly income from main employment of working population (excluding unpaid family workers and foreign domestic helpers) (HK$) | 工作人口(不包括無酬家庭從業員及外籍家庭傭工)的每月主要職業收入中位數(港元) |
33 | 33.2 | ma_hh | Median monthly domestic household income (HK$) | 家庭住戶每月收入中位數(港元) |
33 | 33.2 | ma_econhh | Median monthly domestic household income (HK$) of economically-active households (i.e. a domestic household with at least one member (excluding foreign domestic helpers) being economically active) | 從事經濟活動的家庭住戶(指家庭住戶內除外籍家庭傭工外至少有一名其他成員從事經濟活動)的家庭住戶每月收入中位數(港元) |
33 | 33.3 | mmearn_xfdh_f | Median monthly income from main employment of working population (excluding unpaid family workers and foreign domestic helpers) (HK$) - Female | 工作人口(不包括無酬家庭從業員及外籍家庭傭工)的每月主要職業收入中位數(港元)- 女性 |
33 | 33.4 | fa_m | Median floor area of accommodation of domestic households (square metres) (excluding domestic households living in unsheltered accommodation or on board vessels and excluding floor area of common area shared among households) | 家庭住戶的居所樓面面積中位數(平方米)(不包括居於非屋宇單位或船艇的家庭住戶,亦不包括與其他住戶共同佔用的樓面面積) |
33 | 33.4 | dhm_loan | Median monthly domestic household mortgage payment and loan repayment (HK$) | 家庭住戶每月按掲供款及借貸還款(港元)中位數 |
33 | 33.5 | dm_r | Median monthly domestic household rent (HK$) | 家庭住戶每月租金(港元)中位數 |